Birds of the atlantic rainforest, near Iguazu Falls area

Are you a bird lover? Do you usually include birdwatching activities in your trips? If this is the case, the Iguazu area cannot be an exception. There is an incredible variety of birds in the dense jungle surrounding the magical Iguazu Falls.


I’m thrilled to share with you the incredible diversity of birds found in the Interior Atlantic Forest. The bird checklist compiled for the Yacutinga Private Wildlife Reserve reaches almost 300 species, making this natural sanctuary a paradise for birdwatchers. And with the excellent amenities provided by Yacutinga Lodge, we ensure a successful birding expedition, combining unique characteristics, environment, visitor services, and the expertise of the best local Ornithological Guides.

YACUTINGE LODGE: Birdwatching and nature

The location of the Yacutinga Wildlife Reserve belongs to the phytogeographical district of Palo Rosa (Aspidosperma polyneuron) and Palmito (Euterpe edulis). It’s one of the areas with the highest biodiversity in Argentina due to its peculiar characteristics, which create a lush vegetation characterized by a warm climate, constant humidity, and the absence of dry seasons. These environmental conditions turn the area into a giant greenhouse teeming with life.

This is a forever green forest, dense, and often impenetrable. The different vegetation layers become evident as you wander through this intricate, surprising, and vibrant jungle. These vegetation strata provide shelter, food, and breeding sites for over 295 bird species observed in the Yacutinga Private Reserve.

Some of the interesting and outstanding birds in this privately managed conservation area include:

The Macuco, the Tataupa Chico, the Rufescent Tiger Heron, the Spotted Tinamou, the Brazilian Teal, and the Black Vulture. There are also several Accipitridae species, some of them among the most powerful in America, such as the Black-and-chestnut Eagle, the Crowned Eagle, and the more common Black Hawk-Eagle, Hook-billed Kite, and summer migrants like the Plumbeous Kite and the Swallow-tailed Kite. Moving quietly during the walks, we might come across the Tiny Hawk, one of the smallest and rarest raptors in the world. As for the falcons, they are well represented, with the Southern Caracara, the Aplomado Falcon, the Bat Falcon, and the most commonly observed, the Plumbeous Kite. Among the Cracids, two species stand out, the Yacutinga, seriously at risk of extinction in the area, and its cousin the Yacupoi, much easier to spot but also decreasing in population due to poaching.

Sometimes, you can find a family of Hoatzins searching for food on the jungle floor. While the Slaty-breasted Wood Rail often appears at the edge of paths, especially when a storm or rain is approaching. Related to these gallinaceous birds, it’s also possible to spot the Blackish Rail near swamps and the Azure Gallinule.

Several pigeon species are easy to spot during walks through the reserve. From the very common Ruddy Ground Dove to the very rare Violaceous Quail-Dove.

We cannot forget the Parrots, with their colorful plumage and vocalizations standing out in this forest environment. Flocks of Red-winged Tinamous, Green-cheeked Parakeets, and delicate Plain Parakeets fluttering in circles near the waterholes. Also, the Blue-headed Parrots, usually seen in pairs, and the Scaly-headed Parrot, with its loud cry while flying, are extremely distinctive birds in this environment.

At dusk, we might be surprised by the strange call of some Cuckoos like the Little and Great Bristle Cuckoos, with the latter being much rarer. Instead, the Striped Cuckoo is a very common bird in the public areas of the Lodge, its jumps from branch to branch, and behavior take us back to the dawn of time, reminding us of the Archaeopteryx.

The northeast of Argentina is home to more than 17 different species of hummingbirds, many of them residing in the Upper Iguazú River jungle. The Black Jacobin and the Tufted Coquette are easily distinguishable, although identifying them in the dense vegetation can be very difficult.

This systematic list continues with the two Argentine Trogon species, the Blue-throated and the Yellow-breasted, both easy to find on the trails. The three most common Kingfishers for the area are the Ringed, Amazon, and Green, with a single record of the Pygmy Kingfisher for this Environmental Reserve.

The Scaly-headed Parrotlet often sings at dawn and dusk in the Lodge’s garden, its characteristic observation due to the pendulum movement of its noticeable tail.

All five Argentine Toucans are present in this fantastic Private Reserve, with the Banana Toucan being the rarest. Surprisingly, the Collared Aracari is very common, and the other three Toucans are frequently seen, especially the Chestnut-eared Aracari.

The Rufous-capped Motmot is often found frequenting termite mounds at medium height within the foliage, with its tail movement particularly noticeable, somehow reminding us of Woodpeckers and Treecreepers.


Guira Oga, animal refuge in Iguazu Falls

There’s a significant number of Woodpeckers, from the Little Woodpecker to the Great, and it’s interesting to try to identify them by ear due to their different cadence when tapping on tree trunks in search of food or finishing nests. Also, several Antbirds can be seen in the dense forest, with the Spotted Antpitta surprisingly common in the Yacutinga Reserve. During the South American winter, the Red-throated Piping Guan, with its bright red throat, usually perches with maximum tranquility. This intense and bright red color reminds us of the color of the back of the Cacique Blackbirds, who in noisy groups begin to weave their nests in mid-Spring.

All the Argentine Antwrens are easily observed in Yacutinga except for the Chestnut-backed Antshrike, more common in the highlands of the Sierra Misionera. The Tyrant Flycatchers, widely represented in Yacutinga, are very easy to observe. The Tiny Tyrant, accompanies the observer during most of their walks, while the difficulty of observing the Tiny Piculet is notable despite being able to hear it in the tangle of vegetation.

Euphonias and Tanagers abound in this Jungle, they are usually seen commonly in the upper stratum of vegetation. The observation and identification of these fast and colorful little birds depend on the practice and speed of the observer. These small and restless birds of rapid movements and small size complicate the identification in most of the species associated with these two groups.

The Owls and Nightjars deserve special mention. The Black-banded Owl, the Black-capped Screech Owl, and the Striped Owl can be seen and mainly heard on some trails, especially on the Arroyo Trail. The mythical Great Potoo can surprise us in the Lodge’s garden with its lazy presence and pitiful cry. The Scissor-tailed Nightjar sings and is easily seen on the internal paths of the Reserve. Even the Least and Rufous Nightjars have been listed and have been seen nesting in the place.

Now, isn’t that an incredible array of birdlife? If you’re a bird enthusiast, the Yacutinga Reserve is a haven waiting to be explored. Don’t miss the chance to witness the wonders of nature in this lush and vibrant ecosystem.


Check the list of birds you can find in Iguazu Falls area. The information is provided by Yacutinga Lodge, and the information was provided by Jorge Escobar and Sergio Moya




Yacutinga Lodge is located in the province of Misiones, Argentina, within the Atlantic Forest region. Specifically, it is situated within the Yacutinga Private Nature Reserve, near the town of Comandante Andresito. The lodge is nestled deep within the lush and biodiverse environment of the Misiones jungle, offering visitors a unique and immersive experience in nature.





Just contact our sales team. We will prepare the best program for you, but you can take a look and check a suggested birdwatching program offered by our friends of Yacutinga Lodge, a wonderful place in the middle of the rainforest!


Picture of Ramiro Rodriguez

Ramiro Rodriguez

25 years working in the travel industry, as Sales & Marketing Manager at RipioTurismo. Marketing Manager at Nuevas Ideas Travel Consulting Group. Writer and travel lover.

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